The first decentralized Gaming-As-A-Service protocol: Bezogia IDO on Spores Launchpad!

Spores Network
3 min readNov 20, 2023


Bezogia represents the birth of Decentralized Gaming-as-a-Service (DGaaS) as a platform and protocol layer by ZOGI Labs.

Mark your calendars: Bezogia IDO on Spores Launchpad, November 20th — Don’t miss out!

🔷 Bezogia Highlights & Features

  • Launching 3 of its game modes this November (UGC, MMORPG, PVP) and 4 decentralized protocols (Dynamic Staking, Summoning, Mint/Forge, Burn — Pawn Shop)
  • An in-house team of 50 operating the game studio and engineering offices in Shenzhen, China, and Dubai
  • 25,000+ user signups on Zogi Labs
  • 8,000+ users played beta session
  • 800+ actively testing or participation
  • 2k+ NFT holders (Bezogis, Petzogis, Keys)
  • $33k user sped in 2-week contest

🔷 Bezogia IDO Timeline

  • VIP Round: 20th Nov, 10:00 AM UTC => 21st Nov, 10:00 AM UTC (24 hours)
  • Triple Limit Round: 21st Nov, 10:00 AM UTC => 21st Nov, 11:00 AM UTC (1 hours)
  • FCFS Round: 21st Nov, 11:00 AM UTC => 22nd Nov, 11:00 AM UTC (24 hours)

🔷 Bezogia IDO Details

  • Symbol: $MBLK
  • Chain: Ethereum
  • Initial Circulating Supply: 13,663,000
  • Initial Market Cap: 1,024,725
  • Total supply: 1,000,000,000
  • IDO Price: $0.055
  • CEX/DEX: Bybit/Mexc
  • Vesting Schedule: TGE 8.33%, 0m Cliff, 12m Linear Monthly vesting
  • Listing date: November 23rd

🔷How to Join Bezogia IDO

  • Step 1: Register for the IDO to be eligible for IDO participation, please click this link:
  • Step 2: Receive Email Confirmation After the whitelist closing time, Spores Network will notify you of your Tier Confirmation at least 12 hours before the sale.

🔷 Bezogia Tokenomics

🔷 Bezogia Team

Nick Vadera (CEO/Co-Founder)

  • №1 in all of Dubai Real Estate sales at age 23
  • COO — Strategic Investment Group (SPI)

Ahmed U. Zakaria (Chief Advisor/Co-Founder)

  • Member of First Bitcoin Mining collective — Newfoundland and Labrador — Canada
  • Entrepreneurship track record of 18 years — 6 Successful Businesses/Projects
  • Shareholder / Co-Owner — Park Regis Business Bay Hotel, Dubai
  • Real estate fund (est 2007 with currently AED 2.7B AUM)
  • Chairman — SPI — Strategic Investments Group.

Serge Ajamian (Investment Lead)

  • Stanford University Advisor for Web3 & AI Accelerator Program
  • Co-Founder & CEO of Centauri Digital Asset Group
  • Investor & Advisor in 100+ projects

Khizer Arshad CTO

  • Ex -Software Alliance (lead architect for Johnson & Johnson)
  • Lead blockchain consultant to T-Mobile)

🔷 Bezogia Roadmap

Project Official links:

Website | Telegram | Twitter | Discord | Medium

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