Spores Network Burn and Buy Back Report, March 2023

Spores Network
2 min readMar 22, 2023


$SPO buyback and token burn are complete, and we are excited to announce that 1.68% of the total supply has been burned.

Buyback summary

In October 2021, we announced the SPO Buyback Program as a grand effort to facilitate and foster growth within our community. 👉The total amount of SPO tokens bought back in Q3 and Q4–2021 is $59,112 (~11,832,553 SPO tokens).

🔥 Buy-back wallet address: https://etherscan.io/address/0xa5a73A3f31666227044f3bF92f8AB38F7E117c54#tokentxns

In February 2023 Token Burn Program (Q1 to Q4–2022), Spores Network has bought back $48,220 worth of SPO tokens at 14 days average market price, equivalent to 72,140,526 SPO tokens.

🔥 Transaction hash: 0xaef67119e4aff64d253b4fe4745b67a14976f6cd60aeaab162866404cba4a950

Burning Summary

🔥 $SPO BURNT ON 22nd March, 2023

All tokens repurchased from Q3–2021 to Q4–2022 mentioned above have been burned.

Total amount of SPO tokens burning on Ethereum Network: 84,707,277 $SPO. This is equivalent to ~1.69% of the current total SPO supply

🔥 Transaction hash: 0x533f31abf19f0c0cbdf7116a406365d95b3102fafcdc2d36658fd587aeee13ce

SPO token allocation after burning

SPO Total Supply on ETH:

🔹Before burning: 3,500,000,000 SPO

🔹After burning: 3,415,292,723 SPO

Access the cross-chain token bridge solution at: https://bridge.spores.app/spores

SPO details

  • Token Name: SPORES
  • Token Symbol (Ticker): SPO
  • Chain: Ethereum and Binance smart chain network
  • Contract Verified link:



We’d like to finish by thanking our SPORES community for staying with us. We hope you’ll remain with us, since we have a lot of new features and projects in the pipeline!

Stay tuned for more updates from Spores Network!

About Spores

Spores Network is a leading platform in the Web3, Gaming, and Metaverse space, offering comprehensive support to up-and-coming projects beyond funding. Our ecosystem includes 3 main pillars: Spores Launchpad, Incubation, Web3. Gaming. Metaverse. Publisher

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Spores Network

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